Our Tallassee team is ingrained in their community and always willing to lend a hand where they are able. They wanted to acknowledge local essential workers for their continuous hard work and dedication during this unprecedented time.
Mail carriers work every day without fail to bring people the bills, medicine, and packages they need. Our Tallassee team recognized the risk their mail carrier takes every day on her route and acknowledged her hard work. They put together a gift basket for her to thank her for everything she does—they recognized that on a normal day she has a hard job and now is at risk every time she goes to work.
Our team also wanted to thank other essential groups for their dedication to their community. They provided lunch from Subway to all of the employees at Tallassee True Value Hardware. The store has been extremely busy during this time and adopted using curbside service to safely serve their customers. People run into household emergencies no matter what is going on in the world around them; we are thankful for dedicated workers like those at True Value Hardware for all of their hard work.
Our team was also able to provide lunch for the City of Tallassee employees from local Buck's Cafe. Our firefighters, police officers, and all city employees work constantly to better our communities and keep us safe. We are grateful for their service every day, and especially now as we all work to navigate uncertain times.
We are thankful for the efforts everyone is making during this time and want to extend our appreciation to all of those who continue to serve in the face of something so uncertain. Learn about how Guardian is staying involved in our communities and how you can also get involved here.